Wloff Blog


2024. May 20.

Articles 2.0 is up!

Finally finished with the update, and moved the code to object based. One notable feature is the new meta tags, that should give some social media support: when a link of a post shared the preview/thumbnail thingy should generate the title and description from there. The changes in the code are so fundamental that I had to jump from 1.2 to 2.0 in version numbering.

Download link is in the first post.

I think for now I stop changing things in the blog engine. Will fix things if turns out I mucked something up. I might add a link to the source code somewhere, probably in the footer so it'll be reachable from everywhere on site.

As for writing more to the blog I want to continue of course, next one probably will be foreign politics or at least something close to that topic. Quite a few things that worth some typing in mind. Hopefully I'll get to it soon.