Wloff Blog


2024. February 19.

Hello! Szia! Szevasz!

I hereby declare the Wloff Blog as officially opened!

Readers (the "teeming millions" as Cecil Adams of The Straight Dope loved to put it) can expect posts semi-regularly in various topics, such as IT, politics, or history, probably lots of biased opinions, perhaps some dev blog too about how various projects stand, maybe some art stuff, I dunno. Some in English, some in Hungarian. Perhaps some in both. This semi-regularly... I might try it on weekly basis. Not that I have to satisfy urgent demads, eh?!

No AI/ML shit btw. Just the products of organic brain and organic fingers. I don't really think it matters to many however.

This blog is running on our home brew blogging engine, available to anyone to download and use, free and libre, because that's how we roll. We named it Articles, because of reasons. Get it here:

Articles v.1
Articles v.1.1
Articles v.2.0
Articles v.2.1

The engine is working fine, but since I did not have a plan at the start, it grew out from one idea to another. I'm not fine with the codebase, so a rewrite is expected. And new features I already have ideas. Probably not soon - I have couple other sites to fiddle with, new ones, and with those online too.

At the moment the CSS is the bare minimum I include with the application. White background, black text, blue links. If you see something else when you read this, I already changed that. Or perhaps it's time for a visit at the optitian.

That's all folks! Enough for get this thing online. Thanks for reading.