Wloff Blog


2024. April 24.

Bash guide is up

A new website has joined to the Wloff Empire, a Linux CLI Guide. It's for those who start out, or want to know a bit more about the tools avavilable, or perhaps need to use CLI only occasionally and forget how things are done due to lack of practice. It is not comprehensive, but already has some nice tips, and the plan is it will be expanded time to time.

Further plan is still changing the code of Articles so it is more social media friendly, making individual blog entry pages more sharable. But even before that, this blog is needed to be added to the main Wloff page in some form.

I do not want to list it as part of the works, since it's kinda official blog. I'm thinking in adding a column of icons on one side of the page, and gradually add some more stuff to it, like theme switch (dark and light themes), or publications. But first only to the blog.

Problem is: have to draw icons. Drawing itself is not hard but have to find an style that fits the page's current appearence. This can take some try and will test my patience. I already experimenting with a stand-ins on the development server, at least the positioning and related css. Perhaps I'll settle with something temporary to cut the issue short, then revisit it later and polish if shiny.